Unicode approval process for new emoji designs


Nik Bagayogo

Bringing new emojis to our digital communications is made possible by the Unicode approval process. Each design is examined by experts and committee members for relevance, inclusivity, and feasibility.

Emojis are an awesome way to communicate emotions and experiences. There’s a demand for emojis that reflect different cultures and trends. This is where Unicode steps in, assessing proposals for potential usage and interpretation.

The committee looks at clarity, consistency, and compatibility across different platforms. Plus, they consider user feedback and research data to see if an emoji has universal appeal.

You might not realise it, but the creation of emojis is actually quite complex. Expert designers work within the tight restrictions of Unicode standards to make these little symbols look great!

Background on Unicode Approval Process

The process of approving new emojis for the Unicode Standard is meticulous. It involves thorough evaluation and selection.

Individuals or organizations can submit proposals to the Unicode Consortium – a non-profit organization.

Experts and volunteers from around the world assess their feasibility, uniqueness and potential impact on communication.

If accepted, the proposal moves forward to technical implementation. Designers create artwork with aesthetics and cultural significance in mind.

Unique codes are assigned to each emoji to ensure consistent representation across devices and platforms.

Further analysis and testing is done to make sure the new emoji is compatible with existing systems.

Public feedback is also taken into account. The Unicode Consortium seeks input from users worldwide.

Emojis are essential for expressing ourselves in a digital world. They make communication more engaging and relatable. Staying informed about the Unicode approval process allows us to appreciate the efforts behind each new emoji creation.

Criteria for New Emoji Designs

Several factors are taken into account to decide the criteria for new emoji designs. These include relevance, popularity, cultural importance, and potential for wide use. The Unicode Consortium evaluates proposed designs based on these criterions to make sure new emojis represent all users worldwide.

Below is a list of criteria with their descriptions:

  • Relevance – trends and topics that users use emojis for.
  • Popularity – emojis with high demand or usage rate.
  • Cultural Significance – emojis represent diverse cultures, traditions, or global events.
  • Widespread Use Potential – emojis have broad application across different platforms and contexts.

Experts from various fields such as linguistics, software engineering, and design review proposed designs for technical feasibility and complying with Unicode standards.

Tip: Propose your design with user research and show how it fills a gap in existing emojis for better chances of approval.

Overview of the Approval Process

The journey for new emojis to become part of the Unicode Standard is lengthy. Here’s an overview of the process:

Stages Description Duration
Submission Proposals sent to Unicode Consortium for review & consideration 6-12 months
Review Emoji Subcommittee reviews & evaluates proposals 3-6 months
Technical Encoding Approved designs encoded in Unicode Standard 3-6 months

The approval process also involves examining proposals carefully, taking into account factors such as cultural importance, compatibility, and usability. After being approved and encoded, new emojis become part of the Unicode Standard and can be used on various platforms.

It’s fascinating to see that emojis, even though they are quite simple, need to go through such an extensive process before they can become part of the Unicode Standard. This is done to make sure that emojis are culturally appropriate, convey clear meanings, and remain compatible across different devices and platforms.

(Source: Unicode Consortium)

Submission and Review Process

Welcome to the captivating world of emoji designs!

Let’s plunge into the complexities of this fascinating ‘Submission and Review Process’ which is key to bringing new emoticons to life.

  1. Step 1: A designer with an amazing concept for an emoji submits their proposal to the Unicode Consortium via an online form. This is vital, as it sets the scene for potential inclusion in later releases.
  2. Step 2: The submitted design is then scrutinized technically by experts. They assess compatibility across various platforms, technical feasibility and compliance to Unicode standards.
  3. Step 3: A committee of members from different organizations within the consortium review the design in detail. Their knowledge guarantees that each proposed emoji is in line with the overarching goals of inclusivity and cultural representation of Unicode.
  4. Step 4: Here comes the exciting part! Emoji lovers, linguists and other interested parties offer useful feedback on proposed designs during a comment period. This approach includes numerous views in the decision-making procedure.
  5. Step 5: Evaluating all the inputs, suggestions and worries raised during the review process, the final decision is made whether an emoji should be accepted or declined for inclusion in upcoming Unicode releases.

This ‘Submission and Review Process’ illustrates how new emoji designs come into being – blending creativity with technological feasibility. Additionally, it stands out by looking for community participation at every stage and having expert committees do thorough assessments for smooth integration into digital communication languages worldwide.

So, join us in forming the visual language of tomorrow! Participate in this lively setting of expression by sharing your ideas for remarkable emojis or contributing your thoughts during comment periods. Be part of something remarkable and don’t forget to leave your mark in this ever-evolving world of symbols!

Factors Influencing Approval

The Unicode process for new emoji designs depends on several factors. Cultural significance and user demand are key. Others include symbolism, technical feasibility, accuracy, uniqueness, accessibility, and emotional impact. Additionally, historical relevance is considered. Symbols have long been used in communication, from cave drawings to modern emojis. Unicode works to standardize them, creating inclusive global communication. Approval of emoji designs evolves with technology.

Challenges and Controversies

The Unicode approval process for new emoji designs presents some serious issues. Representing diverse cultures, avoiding cultural sensitivities and being inclusive are all major challenges. Striking a balance between adding new emojis that reflect societal trends and avoiding too many choices is also a struggle.

Let’s look at a table with the main points:

Challenge/Controversy Description
Cultural Representations Representing various cultures without offending.
Inclusivity Embracing a wide range of genders, ages, abilities and ethnicities.
Balancing Trendiness Incorporating popular trends as emojis but not too much.
Symbolic Interpretations Handling possible misinterpretations due to different contexts.

More details are considered when evaluating an emoji proposal. Such as if it already exists, or if it will be relevant and popular.

When submitting an emoji proposal, make sure to explain the design choice really well. Include cultural significance and usage examples to support your case.

The Unicode Consortium wants to ensure that new emoji designs enrich communication experiences. Whilst being conscious of different perspectives and fostering inclusivity.

Recent Developments and Updates

Recently, the Unicode approval process for new emoji designs has seen several significant updates. These developments aim to make the process more efficient and inclusive, so users of all backgrounds can be accurately represented. Here are key recent developments and updates:

Development Description
Emoji 14.0 Release Unicode Consortium approved the release of Emoji 14.0. This expansion includes over 100 new emojis, such as melting face, biting lip, heart hands, and more.
Emoji Diversity Efforts are being made to promote diversity in emoji representation. The consortium is introducing options for different skin tones and gender-neutral emojis.
Accessibility The Unicode Consortium is working to improve accessibility in emoji design. They have included emojis representing people with disabilities, such as hearing aids, wheelchairs, prosthetic limbs, and guide dogs.

Suggestions have been made to further enhance the process:

  1. User Input: Ask users to provide suggestions for new emoji designs. This way the Unicode Consortium can gain insights from the users and understand their needs and preferences.
  2. Collaborations: Foster collaborations between Unicode Consortium members and designers from a variety of backgrounds. This will help ensure diverse cultural references and representation in future releases.
  3. Educate Users: Carry out awareness campaigns to educate users about the importance of inclusivity and diversity. This will encourage users to embrace diverse emoji options.

These suggestions can make the Unicode approval process even better. Thus, a broader range of emojis will effectively cater to the global audience. It is essential to keep adapting and improving the process, so emojis remain a relevant and meaningful form of communication.


The Unicode Consortium looks into various proposals to ensure that emojis depict the requirements and outlooks of users. They review each suggestion to check if it’s technically sound, compatible across platforms, and follows Unicode principles. This evaluation makes sure that emojis don’t lead to misunderstandings and portray emotion, ideas, and culture accordingly.

Furthermore, Unicode stresses inclusivity while approving designs. Each proposal is judged based on its capability to illustrate underrepresented communities and promote diversity. In 2019, the addition of interracial couple emojis is an example of Unicode’s approval process making a difference. This was due to Tinder’s #RepresentLove campaign.

The Unicode Consortium evaluates proposals according to tech specs and cultural sensitivity. This allows them to create emojis that suit the requirements of a large number of people. Hence, emojis remain a crucial component of digital communication in our interconnected world.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the Unicode approval process for new emoji designs?

A: The Unicode approval process for new emoji designs involves several stages. First, a proposal is submitted to the Unicode Consortium, which is responsible for standardizing emoji. The proposal should include a detailed description of the emoji and its potential use cases.

Q: How are new emoji designs evaluated?

A: New emoji designs are evaluated based on their potential for widespread use, expected frequency of usage, distinctiveness, and compatibility with existing emoji characters. The Unicode Emoji Subcommittee reviews the proposals and provides feedback and recommendations.

Q: Who decides which emoji designs are approved?

A: The Unicode Consortium makes the final decision regarding which emoji designs are approved. They consider input from the Unicode Emoji Subcommittee, which includes representatives from different companies, organizations, and individual experts in the field.

Q: Can anyone suggest new emoji designs for approval?

A: Yes, anyone can submit a proposal for a new emoji design. However, it is recommended to have a strong rationale and supporting evidence for the proposed emoji’s potential use and significance. The proposal should align with the Unicode Consortium’s guidelines.

Q: How long does it take for a new emoji design to get approved?

A: The approval process for new emoji designs can take several months or even years. It depends on various factors such as the complexity of the proposal, the need for revisions, and the backlog of pending emoji proposals. Patience is key in this process.

Q: What happens after a new emoji design is approved?

A: Once a new emoji design is approved, it is assigned a unique Unicode code point. This code point allows devices and platforms to display the emoji correctly. The implementation and release of the new emoji on different platforms depend on the respective developers.

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